S.No. |
Name of Journal / Magazines |
Web Address |
1 |
Administration and Society |
http://aas.sagepub.com |
2 |
Adult Education and Development |
http://www.dvv-international.de |
3 |
Appropriate Technology |
http://www.researchinformation.co.uk/apte.php |
4 |
Autocar |
http://www.autocarindia.com |
5 |
Border Affairs |
http://www.borderaffairs.com |
6 |
Bureaucracy Today |
http://www.bureaucracytoday.com |
7 |
Business Today |
http://businesstoday.intoday.in |
8 |
C B I Bulletin |
http://www.cbiacademy.gov.in |
9 |
China Report |
http://chr.sagepub.com |
10 |
Chip |
http://www.chip.in |
11 |
CII Communique |
http://www.cii.in |
12 |
http://www.cimsasia.com |
13 |
Common Cause |
http://www.commoncauseindia.in |
14 |
Communalism |
http://www.sabrang.com |
15 |
Conservation and Society |
http://www.conservationandsociety.org |
16 |
Contribution to Indian Sociology |
http://cis.sagepub.com |
17 |
Criminal Law Journal |
http://www.airwebworld.com |
18 |
Dalit Voice |
http://www.dalitvoice.org |
19 |
Data Quest |
http://www.dqindia.com |
20 |
Defence Watch |
http://www.defencewatch.org |
21 |
Developing Economics |
http://www.wileyonlinelibrary.com |
22 |
Development |
http://www.sidint.net/development/ |
23 |
Dialouge |
http://www.asthabharti.org |
24 |
Down to Earth |
http://www.downtoearth.org.in |
25 |
Economic & Political Weekly |
http://epw.in |
26 |
Economist |
http://www.economist.com |
27 |
Express Computer |
http://expresscomputeronline.com |
28 |
Femina |
http://www.mags.timesgroup.com |
29 |
Frontline |
http://www.frontline.in |
30 |
G Files |
http://www.gfilesindia.com |
31 |
Good Food |
http://www.mags.timesgroup.com |
32 |
Good Homes India |
http://www.mags.timesgroup.com |
33 |
Good Housekeeping |
http://www.mags.timesgroup.com |
34 |
Grahsobha |
http://www.mags.timesgroup.com |
35 |
Health and Nutrition |
http://www.magnamags.com/newM |
36 |
Hello |
http://www.mags.timesgroup.com |
37 |
ICRA Bulletin |
http://www.icra.in |
38 |
IDS Bulletin |
http://www.ids.ac.in |
39 |
India Today |
http://indiatoday.intoday.in |
40 |
Indian Forestry |
http://www.indianforestry.org |
41 |
Indian Infrastructure |
http://www.indianinfrastructure.com |
42 |
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics |
http://www.isalindia.org |
43 |
Indian Journal of Economics |
http://www.indianjournalofeconomics.com |
44 |
Indian Journal of Gender studies |
http://online.sagepub.com |
45 |
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations |
http://www.irhrjournal.com |
46 |
Indian Journal of Transport Management |
http://www.cirtindia.com |
47 |
Indian Police Journal |
http://www.bprd.gov.in |
48 |
Journal of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies |
http://www.icpsindia.org |
49 |
Journal of Governance |
http://www.iccfg.org |
50 |
Journal of Peasant Studies |
http://www.landfonline.com/stoc/fjps20/current |
51 |
Journal of Rural Development |
http://www.nird.org.in |
52 |
Life Positive |
http://lifepositive.com |
53 |
Lonely Planet |
http://www.lonelyplanet.co.in |
54 |
Mainstream |
http://mainstreamweekly.net |
55 |
MIT Sloan Management Review |
http://sloanreview.mit.edu/ |
56 |
My Mobile |
http://www.mymobile.co.in |
57 |
New Left Review |
http://newleftreview.org |
58 |
Newsweek |
http://www.newsweek.com |
59 |
Outlook |
http://outlookindia.com/index.asp |
60 |
Outlook Money |
http://www.outlookmoney.com |
61 |
Outlook Traveller |
http://travel.outlookindia.com/content.aspx |
62 |
P C Quest |
http://pcquest.ciol.com |
63 |
Panchayati Raj Update |
http://issin.org |
64 |
People |
http://www.people.com |
65 |
Program |
http://www.emeraldinsight.com |
66 |
Reader's Digest |
http://www.readerdigest.co.in |
67 |
Right to Information Reporter |
http://www.righttoinformationreporter.com |
68 |
Sahara Times |
http://www.samaylive.com |
69 |
Science Reporter |
http://www.niscair.res.in |
70 |
Seminar |
http://india-seminar.com |
71 |
Smart Photography |
http://www.smartphotography.in |
72 |
Society |
http://www.magnamags.com |
73 |
sociological Bulletin |
http://www.insoso.org |
74 |
South Asian |
http://www.southasianmedia.net |
75 |
Span |
http://www.span.state.gov |
76 |
Studies in History |
http://online.sagepub.com |
77 |
Supreme Court Cases (Criminal) |
http://www.supremecourtcases.com |
78 |
Supreme Court Cases (Labour and Services) |
http://www.supremecourtcases.com |
79 |
Supreme Court Cases Weekly |
http://www.supremecourtcases.com |
80 |
TERI Information Digest on Energy and Development |
http://www.teriin.org/pub |
81 |
Terra Green |
http://www.teriin.org/pub |
82 |
The week |
http://www.the-week.com |
83 |
Time |
http://www.time.com |
84 |
Top Gear |
http://www.topgear.com |
85 |
War College Journal |
http://www.indianarmy.gov.in |
86 |
Woman and Home |
http://www.womanandhome.com |
87 |
Woman's Era |
http://www.womansera.com |
88 |
World Digital Library |
http://www.teriin.org |
89 |
World Focus |
http://www.worldfocus.in |
90 |
Yojana |
http://www.yojana.gov.in |