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On the basis of the written results of the Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2013 held by the Union Public Service
Commission in October, 2013, the candidates with the under mentioned Roll Numbers have qualified for Personality Test.
2. Candidature of these candidates is provisional subject to their being found eligible in all respects. The candidates will be required
to produce the original certificates in support of their claims pertaining to age, educational qualifications, community, physical handicap
and other documents such as Attestation Form and TA Form, etc. at the time of their Personality Test.
3. Interview of Candidates who have qualified for the Personality Test are likely to be held in December, 2013. The exact date of
interview will, however, be intimated to the candidates through Interview Letter/e-mail. Roll Number wise Interview Schedule will also be
made available on Commission’s Website in due course. The candidates are advised to check their e-mail also for further information.
The candidates who do not receive communication regarding their Personality Test, should immediately contact the office of the
Commission through letter or on Phone Nos. 011-23385271, 011-23381125, 011-23098543 or Fax No. 011-23387310, 011-23384472.
4. No request for change in the date and time of the Personality Test intimated to the candidates will be entertained.
5. The candidates are advised to notify changes in their address, if any, to the Commission immediately through letter or Fax or
Telephone numbers indicated above.
6. The mark-sheets of candidates who have not qualified, will be put on the Commission’s Website within 15 days from the date of
publication of the final result (after conducting Personality Test) and will remain available on the Website for a period of 60 days.
Roll Numbers:
000200 000625 000677 000880 000994 001727 001752 002138 002661
003047 003055 003312 003406 004042 004162 004170 004393 004677
004835 005646 005924 005937 006153 006465 006900 007552 007580
007882 009267 009972 009990 012941 013461 013489 013848 014274
014773 015005 016009 018369 019979 020116 024750 025871 028346
029635 029827 030005 033471 034811 035445 035946 037530 038678
039016 044817 044878 046974 050277 052554 053643 054051 055017
055444 057141 059116 060588 069080 072411 074134 074527 075958
077555 078722 079108 079924 083223 085176 086809 087698 091751
100841 103291 104764 106108 106775 109664 109761 112898 113192
113637 115237 116286 116505 117335 118745 124971 127585 128959
131035 134931 135305 138640 140585 142474 152592 152891 154707
156904 161354 164892 167352 167411 167643 167960 171132 172001
176234 179051 179383 182217 185547 185890 186997 189969 194252
195263 197666 198856 200029 214940 215510 225556 247553 264467
268348 271180 271822 275672 276715 277188 279710 283072 283414
287261 291678 293235 308062 310609 313897 318542 321143 325078
329275 332574 338216 341027 341306 341735 341882 352389 357778
362032 362756 363350 365591 367064 367971 370102 370655 371238
376997 377386 379150 381422 403388 415328 425434 431669 440256
441363 446525 447122 449963 450285 454868 456198 459845 460428
460587 463853 464489 467461 472442 475241 475445 482038 486794
496218 506380 510957 510979 513298 513489 514332 529287 529810
569613 584569 590357 607432 609024 626956 664300 669490 675363
692751 694961 696246 697988 702607 723985 724822 726984 728065