Safeguards for Linguistic Minorities are -
- Translation and publication of important rules, regulations, notices, etc.,
into all languages, which are spoken by at least 15% of the total population at district or sub-district level.
- Declaration of minority languages as second official language in
districts where persons speaking such languages constitute 60% or more
of the population.
- Receipt of, and reply to, representations in minority languages; scheme of safeguards.
- Instruction through mother tongues/ minority languages at the Primary stage of education.
- Instruction through minority languages at the Secondary stage of education.
- Advance registration of linguistic preference of linguistic minority pupils, and inter-school adjustments.
- Provision for text books and teachers in minority languages; scheme of safeguards.
- Implementation of Three-language Formula.
- No insistence upon knowledge of State’s Official Language at the
time of recruitment. Test of proficiency in the State’s Official
Language to be held before completion of probation.
- Issue of Pamphlets in minority languages detailing safeguards available to linguistic minorities.
- Setting up of proper machinery at the State and district levels.
The Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore, a subordinate
office of the Ministry of Human Resource Development is implementing a
scheme for preservation and protection of languages spoken by less than
10000 people during the current Five Year Plan. Under the scheme,
grammatical descriptions, monolingual and bilingual dictionaries,
language primers, anthologies of folklore, encyclopedias, etc of all the
endangered languages / mother tongues, especially those spoken by less
than 10000 persons are prepared.