The Street Vendors Bill, awaiting the
presidential assent, may hinder an otherwise informal and fl exible
business model. Reducing the level of regulation and rigid bureaucracy
could pave the way for a law that takes into account the concerns of the
street vendors themselves.
Nita Mathur ( teaches sociology at the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.
The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street
Vending) Bill, 2013 (hereafter SVB) was passed by the Lok Sabha on 6
September 2013 and by the Rajya Sabha on 19 February 2014. The bill
which is awaiting assent of the president to be an Act,
1 is
being treated as a milestone in progressive policy response to
unemployment and economic displacement of the urban poor. However it
appears that in seeking to protect street vendors from mistreatment by
the civic agencies and the police, the SVB opens floodgates of a new set
of problems. While the need for regulation of street vending is
imperative, equally important is the need to view and review it
critically with the objective of arriving at the best possible practice.
This article examines some of the key features of the SVB with insights
provided from interviews with 60 street vendors in Delhi.
Street vendors are too prominent to be ignored in Indian cities. The
55th round of the National Sample Survey Office survey (1999-2000)
records the number of street vendors in the range of 17 to 25 lakh. The
National Policy on Urban Street Vendors estimates the number of street
vendors in a city as 2% of its population (Twenty Third Report,
Standing Committee on Urban Development 2012-13). The street vendors
routinely carry out petty transactions in cities unmindful of vehicular
congestion and pedestrian rush. Public sympathies oscillate between
periods of tolerance to anguish and intolerance. The government is
seized with the responsibility of providing opportunities of employment
and entrepreneurship, ensuring accessibility of goods and services
widely; and at the same time, protecting people from various forms of
disorder. The ruling of the Supreme Court (SC) in
Sodan Singh and Others versus NDMC case in 1989 is pertinent:
If properly regulated according to the exigency of the
circumstances, the small traders on the sidewalks can considerably add
to the comfort and convenience of the general public, by making
available ordinary articles of everyday use for a comparatively lesser
price. An ordinary person not very affluent, while hurrying towards his
home after a day’s work, can pick up these articles without going out of
his way to find a regular market. The right to carry on trade or
business mentioned in Article 19 (1) of the Constitution, on street
pavements, if properly regulated, cannot be denied on the ground that
the streets are meant exclusively for passing or re-passing and no other
use (ibid).
The ruling of the SC marked a shift in the perception about street
vendors as a nuisance disturbing public order to one in which they are
accepted as contributors to the economic situation and as providers of
goods and services to the people at their convenience. Selling on the
streets is a compulsion for some and choice for others. What irks most
of them, however, is the high-handed treatment of the police and civic
authorities. The SVB provides a sense of victory to the vendors as it
marks a watershed moment in their prolonged struggle to secure dignity
and freedom from harassment at the hands of civic authorities and the
police. The Congress Party, which steered the bill, hopes to secure the
support of street vendors at this electorally crucial time. All-in-all,
it seems to be a win-win situation for both the ruling party and the
street vendors.
Critical Highlights
The SVB is preceded by the National Policy on Urban Street Vendors,
2009 which aimed at creating a social and economic environment that is
conducive to the pursuance of street vendors’ livelihood. While the
National Policy on Urban Street Vendors, 2009 handed out the
responsibility for its implementation and appropriate legislation to the
states, the SVB is a response to a long-felt need for central
legislation that would recognise the contribution of street vendors and
provide uniformity in legal framework across the country. This was also a
demand of street vendors, both at an individual and the collective
level through the National Association of Street Vendors in India
The SVB provides for setting up a town vending committee (hereafter TVC) in each local authority.
The TVC would be chaired by the municipal commissioner or the chief
executive officer. Street vendors will comprise at least 40% of the
members elected from among themselves.
3 The SVB states that
the number of other members, as may be prescribed, would be nominated by
the government representing the medical officer of the local
authority, the local authority, the planning authority, traffic police,
association of street vendors, market associations, traders
associations, non-governmental organisations, community-based
organisations, resident welfare associations, banks and such other
interests as it deems proper.
The TVC will be entrusted with tasks of (i) maintaining updated
records of registered street vendors, publishing street vendors’
charter, and carrying out social audit of its activities; (ii)
conducting survey of all street vendors once in five years; and (iii)
issuing certificates of vending and identity cards to all street vendors
with preference to scheduled castes (SCS), scheduled tribes (STS),
Other Backward Classes (OBCS), women, persons with disabilities,
minorities, etc. The certificate of vending would specify the category
of vending, vending zone, days and timings allotted to a street vendor
for carrying out his/her vending activities. The number of street
vendors accommodated in each vending zone would be 2.5% of the
population of the ward, zone, town or city. In case the number of
applicants exceeds the holding capacity of a vending zone, the TVC would
call for a draw of lots for issue of certificates. Remaining applicants
could be accommodated in an adjoining vending zone.
The Other Side
The SVB in its present form is well intended, particularly in its
provision of allocating space to street vendors so that they are not
asked to move away from a congested area and then await an opportunity
to get back. Many of them have had the experience of hastily wrapping up
their goods and running away for the fear of being persecuted by the
staff of the municipal corporation or the police for selling on busy
streets or venturing into zones in which street vending is prohibited.
The SVB’s mandate of having at least 40% of the TVC members elected from
among the street vendors seems to be a democratic arrangement, yet it
is possible that given the low level of organisation among them, only a
select few contest elections, come to dominate and are co-opted by the
State. There are no provisions to impede capture of the SVBs by vested
interests even as concerns of the common vendor on the street are
neglected or diluted by the SVBs.
Policies and laws that touch upon the lives of the masses should be
obtained, if they are to be successful in improving their conditions,
from an understanding derived from close interaction with the very
people they target. As Bromley (2000: 17) puts it, “Regulating street
vendors, or offering promotion and support, requires interactions
between dozens of local officials and thousands of vendors, with
enormous potential for misunderstandings, avoidance and deception.” In
the absence of such a rigorous exercise, attempts at regulating street
vending may not end up benefiting vendors much. The SVB, in fact, may
well have put the cart before the horse in pressing for periodical
surveys of street vendors after the Act comes into force when surveys
and studies on street vendors should have informed the SVB in the first
instance; drawing up a baseline for further studies and action.
Subsequent surveys and studies would then serve the purpose of assessing
the impact of, and the pitfalls in, the SVB.
The heterogeneity of street vendors as an occupational group in terms
of scale of operation, and nature and scope of street vending activity
hurls a challenge at the twin processes of framing and executing
countrywide, monolithic law(s). While for some, street vending is a
part-time activity which they pursue only for a few hours in a day, for
others it is a day-long activity, and yet others engage with street
vending occasionally. While there are street vendors who have been
selling at the same place for a long time and in that sense are
stationary, there are also those who are on the move most of the time
following a single route or changing it occasionally or frequently, as
the desire or need to. Additionally, there are a number of them who sell
at one place for a few hours in the day and move around colonies in the
remaining working hours (they are both stationary and mobile). The
interchange between being stationary and mobile by a street vendor is
Following the SVB, the issue of certificate of vending under
categories of a stationary vendor, a mobile vendor or any other category
specified in the scheme laying down the timings and place of vending
category is likely to curtail the freedom of street vendors. It will
foreclose the opportunity of switching from one way of operating to
another and changing place of selling according to one’s own will,
situation, circumstances and/or business acumen. These may well create
various opportunities for harassment
of street vendors by civic authorities and the police similar to what
they face now. There is every possibility that the gains from this
much-hyped law will be outweighed by the restrictions in it, hitting
street vendors hard in the near future.
Additionally, the restrictions imposed by specifying the holding
capacity of vending zone may have two interrelated fallouts. The first
is that many street vendors will be forced to abandon their best-suited
selling spaces because they could not make it in the draw of lots. Of
them, a few might find that business at their newly assigned places
limit their earnings, forcing them to look for other, more rewarding,
alternatives and thus again opening the door for abuse by civic
authorities and the police. This could also render many of them
unemployed and create an army of surplus labour, particularly when one
keeps in mind that street vending is one of the main absorbers of the
urban unemployed – old and young, illiterate and literate.
As Bandopadhyay (2011) mentions in the context of the National Policy
on Urban Street Vendors in India 2009, the state does not have a
ready-made plan to deal with the surplus labour in the country, much
less in this sector. He suggests that the National Policy should be
linked with a larger employment generation scheme led by the state,
failing which the implementation of spatial restrictions and the
registration mechanism, will make local lobbies and government
functionaries extremely powerful and exploitative. Concerns regarding
loss of income and the rise of powerful lobbies that will determine
future policies with regard to street vendors are however not addressed
in the SVB. The second fallout is the rent-seeking behaviour of
interest groups comprising powerful lobbies and local-level regime
functionaries. Licences and permits for street vending spaces could,
despite legal prohibitions, be lent for a tariff or sold at a premium.
Since interest groups tend to control allocation of benefits and
resource, they could well invest their will in furthering means of
appropriating the rent-generating component of the SVB. This is not
surprising since corruption is known to loom large when power is
concentrated in the hands of a few elites.
Street markets have given gainful employment to the urban poor with
low skill sets and to the displaced (Bhowmik 2010), and in doing so has
helped them emerge as important nodes of economic growth. What makes
street markets a viable place to carry out transactions is the
informality of work and working conditions that broadly allow individual
street vendors to sell at places of their own choice and schedules of
selling. The SVB tends to overthrow the benefits of informality as it
makes street vending a kind of formal enterprise by way of regulating it
in ways that are detrimental to the vendor. Cross (2000) mentions that
such endeavours entangle informal enterprises in formal rules that they
are all-equipped to deal with. This amounts to undermining the very
factors that make informal enterprises successful and lucrative for
those who are unable to secure a place in the formal sector. More
specifically (ibid: 45),
From engaging in a flexible and evolving economic
activity focused on family subsistence needs (and often involving the
avoidance of control by authorities), they are sucked into a rigid set
of rules that they can barely understand and even less likely to be able
to challenge or manipulate. While their businesses would be more
‘accountable’ they may in fact be less successful.
This does not make a case for a total rejection of the present
regulation of street vending. What it calls for, however, is a revisit
of the rules that make corruption a more lucrative enterprise than
profitability in the business enterprise and a sense of confidence in
the policy/law and the officials handling it. In operational terms, the
SVB will benefit largely from loosening the nature and extent of
regulation in order to accommodate vendors’ own choice of the means of
carrying out business at their own pace.