Kerala State Finance Commission has said that the present system of devolving funds to local governments would be abolished on April 1 and substituted with a bill system under which funds would be released only against fully vouched contingent bills furnished by the drawing officers in the treasury. No further allocation would be made to LSGIs after the funds they hold at present get exhausted.
Why this move?
1.It is a measure to tackle the mounting revenue deficit. The state government has said that the fund devolution mode in vogue is not a welcome trend in the present Ways and Means situation of the government and should be urgently modified to address the financial crisis.
2.Local self-government institutions (LSGIs) are likely to lose their fiscal and administrative autonomy and be reduced to the status of government departments.
3.The proposed reform is likely to reduce local governments to an appendage of the government. This would render the State Finance Commission and its recommendations in apportioning funds too redundant.
4.Local bodies would also be deprived of the leeway to carry over unspent funds to the next financial year.
This would deplete the financial and administrative powers of local governments and would run contrary to the concept of devolving powers to the grassroots level.
5.Local governments would have to work out only annual projects and need not have to plan beyond a year. If the government imposed curbs on treasury payments, it would definitely have a bearing on the bill clearing process and civic bodies would have to endlessly wait for payments.
What the Constitution says (73rd constitutional amendment act)?
The Act has ensured constitution of a State Finance Commission in every State/UT, for every five years, to suggest measures to strengthen finances of panchayati raj institutions.
The Constitution visualises panchayats as institutions of self-governance. However, giving due consideration to the federal structure of our polity, most of the financial powers and authorities to be endowed on panchayats have been left at the discretion of concerned state legislatures.