The killing of cartoonists and others at Charlie Hebdo deserves unqualified condemnation. It is an act of terror, one that elevates might over right and chooses vigilantism over the law of the land.
Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons were reprehensible. Not just because they were in bad taste but primarily because they violated the essence of a cartoon. A cartoon questions and ridicules authority. Charlie Hebdo’s anti-Islam cartoons kicked someone already knocked prostrate. That is not what cartoons do. That is not why cartoons are loved and eagerly awaited by readers of newspapers. Cartoonists who pander to majoritarian passions of xenophobia against a subaltern minority misuse their freedom of
expression.But that does not mean that anyone has the right to pick up a gun and shoot them dead.
Some will say that Charlie Hebdo cartoonists brought it upon themselves by defaming the Prophet, even to depict whom is considered profane by the followers of Islam. But blasphemy should not lead to the killing of those who blaspheme.
Some countries still have laws against blasphemy, including liberal Britain. If someone does commit blasphemy, he or she will be punished according to the law. That punishment is not death, except in a country hijacked by opportunists like Pakistan.
Charlie Hebdo’s cartoonists deserved to be reviled and criticized for their wholly illiberal cartoons that deracinated cartoons of their essential quality of critiquing authority. They also deserved to face the legal consequences of their misuse of freedom. But nobody had any business to kill them.
The consequences of crossing the limits of freedom of speech should be punishment according to the law, not lawless violence.
In India, most politicians waffle on the freedom of speech. Our country is full of groups and identities that are quick to protest hurt sensibilities whenever they encounter the mildest criticism, however valid. They threaten violence, if the offending criticism is not removed. The authorities quickly cave in and issue a ban, taking shelter behind the limitation that can be imposed on the freedom of expression on the ground of a possible threat to law and order. This cowardly behavior conditions all groups to threaten violence and carry out the threat on occasion, if their fragile sentiments are hurt by adverse opinion.
In such a situation, we in India rarely address the question as to what should be done when someone crosses the limits of freedom of expression. We mask the limit with a large swathe of fuzzy bluster, so that we never have to identify that limit clearly. To mature as a democracy, we have to learn to do that, both at the political level and through the judicial process.
Let us solidly join the ranks of those condemning the killing of the cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo while opposing the kind of cartoons the weekly carried.