Mains Test Series -1
G.S - 1
Total marks ---90 (Time – 1 hour)
1. Narrate the role of *sakhi* in love affairs as depicted in Indian Paintings.
2. Women movements in India in its first phase were mostly for the sake of paternalism. Justify the
3. Rasikpriya painting in Mewar is the reflection of political identity of Mewar in a very crucial time ---
Exemplify the statement.
4. Lord Krishna plays various roles in Indian culture. Narrate the significance of following roles to Indian
society and culture-----
A. Ranchoordas.
B. Flute player.
5. Narrate the development of temple style in India from its beginning to free standing stage.
6. The global warming might adversely impact Indian monsoon throughout hasty and unusual melting of
ice in Tibetan plateau -----Link the climate change, Tibetan plateau and Indian monsoon to show the
effectiveness of the given statement.
7. Analyze the view of Gandhi towards women empowerment.
8. To what extent recent judgment on Santhara can impact on secularity of India? Give your views.
9. Write a short note specifying the causes and consequences of sugar politics in world history.