Preliminary Examination - Sources
Paper I - (200 marks) Duration: Two hours
1. Current events of national and international importance.
Follow one newspaper and one current affair monthly magazine or compilation. Do not overdo it with multiple sources but keep limited sources and do multiple revision.
2. History of India and Indian National Movement.
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3. Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.
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4. Indian Polity and Governance -Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
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5. Economic and Social Development - Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, etc.
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6. General issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity, and Climate Change - that do not require subject specialization
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7. General Science. (see the 4 steps mentioned below)
Step 1 : See the index for Science part from this pdf (UPSC MAINS PAPERS TOPIC WISE 1979-2014).
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Step 2 : The index of the above pdf is actually the topics from which UPSC asks questions. So prepare basics of those topics from this book or any book like this. You can also have a look on the type of questions asked by UPSC on those topics.
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Step 3 : After you have gone through the questions you will realize that UPSC asks either very basic questions or questions related to current issues on above topics. Basic you can prepare from above pdf. Current issues can be prepared from this booklet.
Step 4 : Earlier UPSC used to ask questions on Science from NCERTs. But in recent times i.e from 2011 onwards the number of questions from NCERTs has reduced. (You will come to know if you go through all past papers from 1979). You can get all Science NCERTs from here
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Paper II - (200 marks) Duration: Two hours
1. Comprehension
2. Interpersonal skills including communication skills;
3. Logical reasoning and analytical ability
4. Decision-making and problem solving
5. General mental ability
6. Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. - Class X level)
7. English Language Comprehension skills (Class X level).
Sources below:
(R S Aggarwal for aptitude part)
Similarly reasoning and other part from R S Aggarwal Reasoning book
For reading comprehension part also refer R S Agrawal
8.Importance of Test Series
Lastly, you need to attempt mocks regularly and not leave it for the last moment. We all work hard, do multiple revisions follow the recommended material yet in the examination hall commit some silly mistakes which costs us dearly. Sometimes due to the excitement of knowing the answer, you do not read the complete question and mark it wrong. Sometimes due to the anxiety, we feel in examination hall our mind stops working and even the simplest questions are marked wrong.
Therefore it is necessary that you commit all those silly mistakes in your practice sessions and prepare yourself as a calm calculated rational person.
The best strategy is to read a topic or part of a syllabus and attempt mcq based on that. Do not wait until you complete the entire syllabus. Always check where you usually do the mistakes and rectify in the next test. This way in the final exam your decision-making power will be at its best and there will be no scope for the silly mistakes.
Xaam UPSC Prelims 2019 Online Test Series|200 Tests| 2years of current Affairs|40 NCERT tests|Previous year based tests subjectwise|standard Reference Books based tests|Mini and Full Mocks|Instant result|detailed explanation|All India Rank @ Rs1999
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