We have created a backup website and hosting
TestSeri.com for Our Prelims 2017 Test Series platform TestSeries.us. In a few days it will be running in parallel ,in case one of the platform goes down . In this uncertain online world any website can go down anytime we do not want our subscribers to face that situation.
Our price of the complete test series is Rs 690 which is disruptive and we will match the quality of the question to the top coaching s asking 50 times more p
rice for half the tests . The price is less for early adopters , after some time we will increase the price , as we will add valuable test like we just announced we will provide monthy visionias current affair based tests for our subscribers . If you subscribe now the price is rs 690 for 71 Tests . Subscribe as soon as possible before the price goes up .We intend to create one more backup website , yes you heard it right 3 parallel websites for any emergency.
4 Current affair Tests Covering July and august 2016 current affair is already activated on our Prelims 2017 test series Platform . Subscribers can Take the tests @
http://testseries.us/** Modular Test 1 for portion static syllabus will be activated on 15th September as scheduled **
**Current Affair Test 5 for September will be activated on 15th September**
**10 % off if you pay through Mobikwik wallet **
Aspirants who are yet subscribe to our Prelims 2017 Test Series offering 71 Tests @ Rs 690 Click Here :