The Centre cleared the Tamil Nadu government’s proposal to promulgate an ordinance to hold Jallikattu, a bull taming traditional sport in TN.
The union home ministry had earlier sent the draft submitted by the State to the Environment and Law Ministries for their response.
The state government can now promulgate it by either introducing it as a bill in the state assembly or it can be approved by the state cabinet. It will no longer need a presidential assent.
Rationale behind the ordinance:
- Since the subject falls in the Concurrent list of the Constitution, it was mandatory to get approval from the Centre.
- On receiving a reply from the concerned ministries, the home ministry gave its clearance.
- The ban on Jallikattu was challenged as it was considered against the fundamental, religious and cultural rights of the people of Tamil Nadu, especially when farmers treat bulls and cows as a part of their families.
Various aspects associated with the issue:
- The Union home minister earlier attacked the former government for including bulls in the list of animals that are prohibited from being exhibited or trained as performing animals.
- Animal activists have raised concerns as they consider Jallikattu as an act of cruelty against animals
- Earlier the supreme court has agreed on deferring its judgement on the validity of governments notification on the issue. This was in response to a plea by the center which sought a status quo on the issue.
- The issue has led to agitations in the state and a status quo will prevent the situation from becoming worse.
- The Court had banned the event in 2014 and declared it as an act that is inherently cruel against bulls. A review petition filed by the Tamil Nadu government against the judgment was also dismissed by the apex court.
The Centre had argued against absolute prohibition in the case. In a plea before the court, the government has sought certain degree of flexibility on the contentious issue. The government had contended that the sport was intrinsically linked to rural life in Tamil Nadu and the government cannot shed their centuries old tradition.