How Fast is UPSC in declaring Civil Service Result?
- 22/2/2017: UPSC notified Civil Services exam-2017 (CSE-2017)
- 18/6/2017: Combined preliminary exam held for Forest service and civil services.
- 27/7/2017: Civil Services Prelim result declared. 13,366 candidates were selected for the civil service Mains exam. That means UPSC declared prelim result within 39 days. And After result, the selected candidates had barely 93 days to prepare for the Mains.
- 28/10/2017 to 3/11/2017: Civil Services Mains exam conducted. Its topicwise question-papers are available on the top black menu of this website.
- 10/1/2018: Civil service Mains exam result declared (Click me to see). Total 2568 candidates selected for the interviews, against the tentative vacancies of 980 officers (as per original prelim notification). That means UPSC declared civil service Mains result within 68 days of conducting the written exam. Interviews conducted from February to April 2018.
- 27/4/2018: UPSC declared final result. Total 990 candidates selected against 1058 vacancies.
- Next Prelims-2018 is on 3/6/18, so interview failed candidates have 37 days to get back on their feet, against CSE-2016 round, where only 18 days were left between the declaration of result (31/5/2017) to the next Prelim (18/6/2017).
How many IAS / IPS toppers this time?
SERVICES | GEN | OBC | SC | ST | Total |
I.A.S. | 93 | 46 | 28 | 13 | 180 |
I.F.S. | 22 | 11 | 07 | 02 | 42 |
I.P.S. | 77 | 40 | 23 | 10 | 150 |
Central Services Group ‘A’ | 294 | 152 | 83 | 36 | 565 |
Group ‘B’ Services | 57 | 26 | 25 | 13 | 121 |
Total | 543 | 275 | 166 | 74 | 1058* |
* includes 29 PH vacancies (09 PH-1, 08 PH-2 & 12 PH-3)
- Mark sheets and Answerkey will be available within 15 days of 27th April 2018.
- Unhelpdesk numbers: Nos. 23385271 / 23381125 / 23098543.

As such this is given on UPSC website, but due to visitors’ rush, server not opening. So