Today (15
th April) UPSC held a special meeting and
announced following to curb the speculation related to UPSC Civil Services IAS/IPS Prelims postponed in the times of Corona lockdown
Prelims-2020 not Postponed, YET
Q1. Will UPSC Prelims-2020 be postponed due to Corona Lockdown?
Ans. Today (15th April, 2020) UPSC announced prelims date unchanged 31st May 2020. However, if any changes, they’ll notify in future.
Pending Interviews of Last Round
Q2. What about pending interviews of candidates who had cleared IAS-Mains-2019 but due to Corona Lockdown UPSC had suspended the interview process?
Ans. UPSC will notify after 3rd May, 2020 when Phase-II of Corona Lockdown over.